THE OX (丑 Chou)

The “Ox” bracelet from the Chinese zodiac collection embodies its powerful and
steadfast nature. The Ox represents hard work, patience and honesty. People born in the
Year of the Ox are characterized by their immense endurance, reliability and determination.
They are known for their calm and relaxed nature as well as for their ability to remain firmly
grounded even in difficult times. The Ox symbolizes stability and perseverance and reminds
us that continuous effort and dedication lead to success.

The gemstone Fluorite complements these properties wonderfully. Fluorite is
known for its cleansing and protective effects. It stands for clarity, harmony and
spiritual order. Fluorite functions as supporting companion for the Ox zodiac sign
helping clarify thoughts and to resolve emotional blockages. Fluorite promotes mental
clarity and helps the Ox to keep cool in the face of uncertainty. It strengthens intuition
and supports making well founded decisions. Fluorite has a calming effect
and helps reduce stress, allowing the Ox to achieve its goals to pursue serenity and
consistency. It promotes emotional stability and supports the Ox in finding its inner balance.

The bracelet reminds the wearer of their own strengths and inner peace and
to use it to overcome challenges and achieve your own goals.
It encourages you to patiently and consistently follow your own path while it
offers protection and clarity at the same time.

02 THE OX (丑 Chou)


$101.00 USD
15% discount if order value exceeds 200,00€ - not combinable with discount codes!
Girth of the bracelet. Please select here:

Product Information:

  • Diameter of gemstones is 8 mm.
  • Jeweler's professional silicone band is used for threading.
  • We grant a 2 year full warranty on the bracelet.

Description of the gems



The core theme of the fluorite always is the freedom of decision, because it helps to become aware of heteronomy and to quickly dissolve unwanted influences. It makes creative and inventive. Suppressed feelings can be brought to mind through it and fluorite helps to make this happen. It is emotionally stabilizing, promotes self-confidence, mental clarity and quick understanding.