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12 products

01 THE RAT (子 Zi)
01 THE RAT (子 Zi) Sale price$95.00 USD
02 THE OX (丑 Chou)
02 THE OX (丑 Chou) Sale price$95.00 USD
03 THE TIGER (寅 Yin)
03 THE TIGER (寅 Yin) Sale price$95.00 USD
04 THE RABBIT (卯 Mao)
04 THE RABBIT (卯 Mao) Sale price$95.00 USD
05 THE DRAGON (辰 Chen)
05 THE DRAGON (辰 Chen) Sale price$95.00 USD
06 THE SNAKE (巳 Si)
06 THE SNAKE (巳 Si) Sale price$95.00 USD
07 THE HORSE (午 Wu)
07 THE HORSE (午 Wu) Sale price$95.00 USD
08 THE GOAT (未 Wei)
08 THE GOAT (未 Wei) Sale price$95.00 USD
09 THE MONKEY (申 Shen)
09 THE MONKEY (申 Shen) Sale price$95.00 USD
10 THE ROOSTER (酉 You)
10 THE ROOSTER (酉 You) Sale price$95.00 USD
11 THE DOG (戌 Xu)
11 THE DOG (戌 Xu) Sale price$95.00 USD
12 THE PIG (亥 - Hai)
12 THE PIG (亥 - Hai) Sale price$95.00 USD

( 生肖 Shēngxiào) COLLECTION

The ancient wisdom of Chinese culture holds a deep connection to nature and the universe.

One of these remarkable traditions is the Chinese Zodiac, which has fascinated and guided many people for centuries.

The signs of the zodiac, each assigned to a year, carry not only the energy and characteristics of the animal they represent, but also a deep symbolic meaning. We have captured this symbolic meaning in a collection of 12 pieces of jewelry, each representing one of the zodiac signs and its properties with gemstones.

The signs of the zodiac, each assigned to a year, carry not only the energy and characteristics of the animal they represent, but also a deep symbolic meaning.

We have captured this symbolic meaning in a collection of 12 pieces of jewelry, each representing one of the zodiac signs and its properties with gemstones.

The Chinese zodiac signs have remained an integral part of Chinese culture to this day. They are a fascinating mix of astronomy and mythology.

According to one of the legends about the creation of the zodiac signs, Buddha* decided to invite the animals to a big race across a river.

Each animal used its own skills and characteristics to compete in the race and master the task. A total of 12 animals took part in the race. To honor these, Buddha decided to name each year after one of the animals present, and the order in which they reached the destination has determined the order in the zodiac ever since. But they are more than just symbols; they are archetypes that influence the character traits, luck, fate and personality of people born this year.

(*In another version of the legend, it was Yù Huáng Dà Dì, the Jade Emperor, who invited the animals to the competition)

The combination of these ancient wisdoms with the power of gemstones gives our collection unparalleled depth and meaning. It offers life companions who promote your inner strength and support your spiritual journey.

Each bracelet in this collection is carefully designed to embody and amplify the characteristics and energies of each zodiac sign. They should accompany you on your journey to inner wisdom, happiness and harmony.

Discover the magic of the Chinese zodiac signs, always carry your bracelet with you and let the energy of the gemstones and ancient wisdom inspire and carry you.


All our jewelry is designed and handmade by us in Germany


We deliver top quality and therefore grant a 2-year full warranty


We have customers everywhere and deliver anywhere.


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